Sunday 18 March 2012


Ok, so every time i have an assignment i need to do, my mind sub-contiously sends signals for me to stop what i'm doing, head to the internet and find interesting or funny pictures and videos that will allow me to procrastinate to the veryyyy last hour until my assignment is due (yes, a terrible habit i know). But this one my sister showed me and thus required no time wasted on finding/looking up videos (thank youuuu Natalia!).

But yeah i am not really going to say much about this video, except it is quite LOL-worthy due to the stupidity of this woman after what she puts herself through. No the only question i must put out there-is the CINNAMON challenge the NEW planking??? Whatever it may be i definitely wont be trying this one at home. But hey! i definitely encourage all you daredevils out there to attempt it! If you do be sure to post us here at Elii Dee a video link :)
