Kaleidoscope Minds....I recently came across these images in a draft i had for some reason failed to post. I currently find light humour in the irony of the relation between this concept and my personal Kaleidoscope mind in which i tend to see things through many perpectives. Some might say this is a good thing, however when you analyse things or ideas to the point where you become in-decisive and unsure, it leads to either procrastination or putting that idea off completely. Thus the world does not have a chance to see your idea and unique view of what makes your beliefs and opinions so special. You suddenly forget this idea and place it at the back of your mind to which you believe will be dealt with as soon as possible, yet new thoughts, ideas, perspectives and influences pile on top. However, the mind is a funny thing, and today as i re-discover this post-my postponed idea-i notice its potential and realise that nothing about this idea has to be changed at all! Yes, the mind IS a funny thing...so is the concept of time...i guess the two can go hand in hand...and sometimes all you need is your Kaleidoscope mind to take its course and lead you to discover something truly amazing...