Monday, 9 April 2012

Exploring New Horizons

WOW! What a day! I gotta say, the great thing about long weekends is that i find it is the only time where i venture out beyond my local surroundings to explore areas beyond Sydney. Today i road tripped it to Kiama with some friends to spend a day relaxing, eating, sightseeing, laughing and the random game of 44 Base (yes we are still immature that way). But thats what i love about days like these. Its warm, sunny, you don't have to work and you have a day to do whatever you want-so why not do something out of the ordinary? It doesn't need much planning and you DEFINITELY don't need to take out a loan to have fun! And the best bit, you get to explore new areas and activities that you wouldn't normally-with the company of friends. Now THATS my idea of a great end to an EPIC Easter long weekend. 

All i got to say now is woahhhh am i tired! After a day of driving, sight-seeing and the occasional running i couldn't be happier to take a nice warm shower and snuggle into my bed. Sooo glad i can sleep in tomorrow! Sweet Dreams!
